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Monday, July 18, 2011


Computerized axial tomography is more commonly known by its abbreviated names, CT scanner or CAT scan. It uses X-rays to make detailed cross sectional images of structures inside the body. This revolutionary scanner machine was discovered independently by a British engineer named Sir Godfrey Hounsfield and Dr. Alan Cormak in 1974. It has become a mainstay for diagnosing medical diseases. It was invented to overcome the limitations of X-ray machines. The CT scan show doctors small nodules or tumors, which they can't see on an X-ray.

          CT scans are frequently used to evaluate the brain, neck, spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis and sinuses. CT has revolutionized medicine because it allows doctor to see diseases that in the past could often only be found on surgery. It is safe, painless and well-tolerated. MRI and CT do quite similar job. MRI uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce images while CT uses X-rays to produce images. A head or brain CT examines the various structures of the brain to look for a mass, stroke, area of bleeding or blood vessels abnormality. A CAT or CT scan machine forms a full three dimensional model of a patient's internal body. 

This machine takes the conventional X-ray imaging to a new level. The electromagnetic energy X-rays, produced by CT are the light waves with high energy. Here the X-ray beam moves all around the patient, scanning from hundred of different angles. The computer takes all these information and puts together a 3-D image of the body.

 Scanning Procedure:

          The CT scanner looks like a giant doughnut tipped on its side. Patient lies down a platform, which slowly moves through the hole in the machine. The CT scanner sends X-rays through the body area being studied. Each rotation of a scanner takes less than one second. All the pictures taken are saved as a group on a computer.

          Not only to detect the abnormality inside body but CT may also be used to guide a needle during a tissue biopsy or to guide the proper placement of a needle to drain an abscess. Nowadays CT scanners are available with more advanced technology and become a basic instrument in any hospitals or clinics.     


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